Informal Logic Logic Formal and Informal Fallacy Arguments

Informal Logic Logic Formal and Informal Fallacy Arguments.

Informal Logic Logic Formal and Informal Fallacy Arguments

Logic is the study and analysis of (structured) arguments, and an argument has two things: a premiss(es) and the conclusion. An argument is either simple (has one conclusion) or complex (has multiple conclusions). ( ) True ( ) False b) Philosophy is an academic discipline, and there are four major subfields or core areas as metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and logic. Any student who studies or majors/specializes in philosophy is a philosopher. ( ) True ( ) False c) ________________ is an organized body of knowledge or science used to study and evaluate (structured) arguments. Logic is the study of the methods, rules, principles, criteria, and standards used to analyze and distinguish good/correct from bad/incorrect reasoning. d) Bowie State University was founded in 1865 as a normal school to train and educate African American teachers who will train and educate future scholars, teachers and leaders. ( ) True ( ) False e) Metaphysics is the study and theories of human reality; epistemology is the study and theories of knowledge, while axiology is the study and theories of human values. ( ) True ( ) False f) We use language to convey meaning (cognitive meaning) and to express feelings or evoke emotions (emotive meaning). ( ) True ( ) False g) Idealism, materialism, monism, pluralism and dualism are all metaphysical terms or concepts. Idealism holds that nature consists of ideas, and materialism argues that nature consists of matter. ( ) True ( ) False h) The uses, purposes, functions or types of definition are as follows: stipulative, lexical, precising, theoretical, and persuasive. ( ) True ( ) False i) While idealism makes the claim that nature consists of ideas, materialism insists that nature or reality is made of matter. ( ) True ( ) False j) The basic functions of language are communicative/informative, expressive, directive, ritualistic, and performative. ( ) True ( ) False k) _________________________ occurs when the arguer attempts to support a conclusion by merely evoking pity from the reader or listener. l) A ______________ is usually divided into two parts: formal fallacy and informal fallacy. Know that a fallacy is a defect in an argument or reasoning, and we often describe an informal fallacy as a type of “phony argument.” m) Name the two types of meaning: _______________ and __________________ n) A “simple argument” has many conclusions, but a “complex argument has only one conclusion. ( ) True ( ) False o) The person who is generally credited as the father of logic, in the ancient Greek, was Aristotle (who was a student of Plato at the Academy), and his unique type of logic or reasoning is “Syllogism” that has two premisses and a conclusion. He was also credited for originating “modal logic” which is the type of logic that involves such concepts as possibility, necessity, etc. ( ) True ( ) False PART 2: CLEARLY IDENTIFY THE PRESMISS(ES) AND CONCLUSIONS IN THESE TEN (10) ARGUMENTATIVE PASSAGES (10%) a) Since this COVID-19 is a deadly pandemic that has no respect for person nor race; it follows that intelligent and responsible person need to engage in self-care by washing hands regularly, wearing facial masks, and social distancing. b) Tortured prisoners will say anything just to relieve the pain. Consequently, torture is not a reliable method of integration. c) Expectant mothers should never use recreational drugs, for the use of such drugs can jeopardize the development of the fetus. d) We must get serious about modernizing our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. Why? Because many of our bridges are practically falling down; our transit system is in dire need of repair; and making these improvements would create jobs for the millions of unemployed American workers. e) Education is the most important thing in this life in order to be happy, so get your wisdom from BSU and be happy. f) Since all ancient forests are sources of wonder, and since some ancient forests are targets of the timber industry for profits; it follows that some sources of wonder are targets of the timber industry. g) All television networks are powerful media companies in this country. Both NBC and CNN are television networks. Therefore, NBC and CNN are powerful media companies in this country. h) All banks or money houses are financial institutions. Wells Fargo and Bank of America are financial institutions. Hence, Wells Fargo and Bank of America are banks or money houses. 2 i) During the past 50 or more years, inflation has consistently reduced the value of the American dollar. Therefore, industrial productivity will probably increase in the years ahead. j) The Ebola virus has yet to be eradicated, and this dangerous virus which is spreading like wild-fire kills on average 50% of the people who are exposed or in contact with it. Therefore, Ebola virus remains a global threat to public health. PART 3: CLEARLY IDENTIFY THE SPECIFIC INFORMAL FALLACY OR FALLACIES COMMITTED IN THESE ARGUMENTATIVE PASSAGES (10%): a) Professor Benjamin Arah, I need an “A” in this course to enable me go to law school or get a good job. Please be advised that if you do not want to give it to me, then I would be left with no choice other than to report you to your boss who will hopefully make sure that you are disciplined. _________________________ b) Everybody in the United States now believes that there is life after death. And because of that kind of public sentiments and acceptance, we should conclude or believe that there is life after death. ____________________________________ c) Mr. Conaway has complained about inadequate parking space here at our campus. But did not hear or know that Mr. Conaway’s first son, Jasper, is a never-do-well and was recently convicted a year ago of embezzlement? His son used to manage to steal half a million dollars from the First National Bank before he was caught and sent to prison. These banks need to be more vigilant, and their bank officials did well to have caught him in the process. _____________________________ d) You should be reading Irving Stone’s latest novel right away. It has now sold over one million copies already, and practically everyone watching Oprah’s television show is reading and talking about it. ____________________________________ e) Mrs. Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama, both lawyers and uniquely powerful first ladies who are still married to ex-President Clinton and ex-President Obama, respectively, have become authors or writers. Their rich experiences, positions in history, and popularity have made them authorities and celebrities in their own rights. For this reason, they are beginning to speak out about and in support of the use of certain vitamins for longevity and youthfulness. Listen to them, please buy and use the vitamin, and go for their wise counsel! ________________________ f) Philosopher and philologist Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy was not worth anything. I have to tell you that Nietzsche was immoral reprobate and became completely insane from syphilis before he died at a young age. ______________ g) So many people have been trying for centuries to provide conclusive evidence for the claims of astrology and matters of faith, and no one has yet succeeded in these efforts. As a result, we have concluded that the truths of astrology and about faith are nonsense. _____________________ 3 h) President Trump is the most powerful leader in the world today by virtue of being the president of the United States of America. As a consequence, people have to conclude that he is right about whatever he says about women. _______________ i) I failed this logic class, because the instructor is an African with some grey hair on his head. ______________________________________ j) Whoever trusts any knife into somebody else or uses it to cut people should be arrested and put in prison. However, medical doctors and surgeons, at various medical clinics and hospitals in their professional practice, use knife to cut people up during surgeries or medical procedures. Therefore, medical doctors and/or surgeons need to be arrested and sent to jail. _____________________________ PART 4: OPTIONAL MENTAL GYMNASTIC FOR EXTRA-CREDITS (4%): a) After spending this number of weeks and class sessions in this class, what have you learned so far from reading and studying these three Chapters (1-3) (2%)? __________________________________________________________________

Informal Logic Logic Formal and Informal Fallacy Arguments