Historic developments caused by Imperialism in China and Japan

Historic developments caused by Imperialism in China and Japan.

A.  Discuss the historic developments caused by Imperialism in China and Japan in the 19th Century (see Terms 7).
B.  Discuss the historic developments of World War I, the Russian Revolution and West between the Wars (see Terms 8)
C.  Discuss the historic developments of the rise of Totalitarianism in Germany and World War II (does not include Totalitarianism in Japan, Russia and Italy) (see Terms 9)T

Historic developments caused by Imperialism in China and Japan

Choose ONE of the following for your major essay for Exam 2:
A.  Discuss the historic developments caused by Imperialism in China and Japan in the 19th Century (see Terms 7).
B.  Discuss the historic developments of World War I, the Russian Revolution and West between the Wars (see Terms 8)
C.  Discuss the historic developments of the rise of Totalitarianism in Germany and World War II (does not include Totalitarianism in Japan, Russia and Italy) (see Terms 9)T

The body of your essay (which does not include your name or any title lines) must be a minimum of 700 words but may not be more that 900 words (that is equal to a minimum of two full double-spaced pages up to a maximum of three pages in length) and must answer the whole question as well as contain specifics.   See the attached Major Essay Guide for the types of specifics you should include on the essay chosen.

ADDITIONALLY, Essay will be graded on Content only; however, students are required to Spell Check their essay.   Should a student fail to do that Spell Check, the student will be asked to resubmit the essay once that is done.  Having to resubmit will result in a point loss for that failure so be sure to Spell Check your essay before you submit it.  Points will also be deducted if the essay is turned in late.

Attach your essay as a Word document when you submit it–do not paste it into Comments.

LASTLY, This is the end of the semester — be sure to submit on time.

Historic developments caused by Imperialism in China and Japan

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