Students will choose an area of addictions that is of interest to them

Students will choose an area of addictions that is of interest to them.

Students will choose an area of addictions that is of interest to them. They will research that area, being sure to include in their final product the functional limitations associated with that addiction, the bio-psycho-social factors associated with that addiction, the neurobiological basis for that addiction and the potential treatment approaches for that addiction.

Students will choose an area of addictions that is of interest to them

Students will choose an area of addictions that is of interest to them. They will research that area, being sure to include in their final product the functional limitations associated with that addiction, the bio-psycho-social factors associated with that addiction, the neurobiological basis for that addiction and the potential treatment approaches for that addiction. Students will be evaluated on the demonstrated depth and quality of the research as well as the personal reflection involved.

This project should be reflective of your graduate level curiosity, initiative and scholarship. Because all of us learn differently, I am open to this project being done in alternative formats. (Such as PowerPoint, dramatic presentation, etc.). Or any other format that you feel is appropriate for the material and will deliver a graduate-level end result. In the past, successful presentations have included standard research paper-driven presentations. Also, creative, game-based psycho-educational products aimed at teens. Additionally, presentations aimed at other professionals designed to enhance skills and knowledge int the field of addictions, etc. Students are encouraged to develop products that will be of muse to them in their professional futures. Students are strongly encouraged to run ideas by the instructor for feedback prior to developing these projects.

The “turn in” product will be due at the end of the semester and individual presentations will be due during a scheduled real-time chat session.

Students will prepare two products as a result of this experience: A presentation to be shared with the student’s colleagues in class and a paper to be sent to the instructor.

Students may also choose to combine the paper and the presentation into one medium with prior instructor approval.

Note: If a student chooses to combine his or her paper and presentation into a single Power Point or similar presentation. He or she must demonstrate exceptional and flawless graduate level scholarship in order to achieve the grade of “A” on this project. A superior level of work and research must be clearly evident in order for this option to achieve the highest grade.

Success Tips: Projects should demonstrate exceptional graduate level, higher order thinking. Also, scholarship and should conform to professional standards in terms of citations quality and APA6th style. Websites are not acceptable references and no credit will be given for website-based references. Please note, projects should reflect graduate level curiosity, initiative and scholarship. Students are encouraged to submit projects early for instructor feedback in order to ensure that the work meets those guidelines.

Students will choose an area of addictions that is of interest to them

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