Viability of photovoltaic system and passive design strategies

Viability of photovoltaic system and passive design strategies.

Write about the viability of photovoltaic system and passive design strategies toward near-zero energy in low-income residential buildings

Viability of photovoltaic system and passive design strategies

– The L.R. will be use in a research paper targeting Q1 or Q2 journals.
– The suggested research topic is: “The viability of photovoltaic system and passive design strategies toward near-zero energy in low-income residential buildings”

The suggested topics to be covered in the L.R. are as in the following: (you may add based on the suggested title of the paper)
Firstly, Zero-energy building concept

Secondly, Energy consumption in residential buildings

Thirdly, low-income residential buildings

Fourthly, passive design strategies to reduce energy consumption

Further, photovoltaic systems in general

Additionally,  PV in residential building

Finally, feasibility analysis for energy-saving measures
– The need for such research

– L.R should use recent references (5 years old)

More details;

Photovoltaics and zero energy buildings: A new opportunity and challenge for design

Viability of photovoltaic system and passive design strategies

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