Which efforts were made to ensure reliable, valid measures (e.g., operational definitions of variables, using instruments with low error)?

Which efforts were made to ensure reliable, valid measures (e.g., operational definitions of variables, using instruments with low error)?.

1.       Why did these authors select a descriptive design relating to the research purpose statement?

2.       What is the specific descriptive design used by these authors?

3.       Would you feel comfortable generalizing the results of this study to all nursing students? Why or why not?

4.       Which efforts were made to ensure reliable, valid measures (e.g., operational definitions of variables, using instruments with low error)?

5.       What are the strengths of the design, methods, and procedures of this study? Contrast them with its limitations.

6.       Did the authors interpret the results correctly—that is, without any over-interpretation?


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Which efforts were made to ensure reliable, valid measures (e.g., operational definitions of variables, using instruments with low error)?

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