IRHR2010 Introduction To Industrial Relations.
PBL EXCERSICE 1- Advising NU-Mart Open the file attached below and go through all the information given including format and clarification s. The format for this exercise is a report, as it is described on page 4 of the Gold Guide. This brings the following expectations of the exercise’s structure: 1. Title page:
Report title, your name, course and date.
As well, you must provide an Assignment Cover Sheet, copies of which can be found at:
2. Executive summary: This should provide a snapshot of the whole report including key findings and recommendations.This is not an Introduction, it is a synopsis.
3. Table of contents: This list of numbered sections in the report and their page numbers is useful, even in a short assignment like this because it: ? encourages the student to think about the overall argument and its constituent parts, and ? assists the reader in quickly understanding the overall argument and the main steps by which that argument is exposed.
4. Introduction: An effective (and clearly identified) introduction is essential if the first Assessment Criterion [‘A. Scoping of the issue’] is to be addressed. This introduction should include: ? Clear (but brief) description of the scenario and the question, what the question is asking you to do, how you will answer the question and the boundaries you are placing around your answer. ? In other words, there will always be multiple ways to answer the question / solve the problem. So, you need to demonstrate how your particular solution fits within the broad problem presented in the scenario. This is scoping! ? Definitions of key terms/concepts. ? A brief plan that anticipates the argument to come.
5. Body: This is the main part of the report, with sections and sub-sections (and corresponding headings) that address the purpose of the report and are distinguished by appropriate headings and sub-headings.This is where the remaining assessment criteria will be addressed. Clearly, you must develop the argument and the structure you anticipated in the Introduction!Don’t use too few headings.Don’t use too many headings, especially in such a short assignment. Don’t use ‘Body’ as a heading in your report.
6. Conclusion: This states the major inferences that can be drawn from the discussion and summarises any recommendations.
7. Recommendations Numbered (no more than two or three!), clearly stated, specific and actionable. Naturally, any recommendations will flow directly from information and argument presented in the body of the report and will definitely not be a surprise to the reader!
8. Referencing Cite at least the five required references . Use the APA system of referencing (described on page 3 of the Gold Guide). You could lose up to 1.5 marks if you do not do this properly.