BUS 1177 Case #

BUS 1177 Case #.

BUS 1177 Case # ___2___ Name:________________
Use the following questions to help guide your analysis of the case. Hand in a copy of this to me at
the start of class.
1 Identify the decision maker
– who is she/he – do they have the authority to solve the problem, – where are they, etc.
2 Identify the Problem
– what is the issue/problem we need to solve – do not confuse solutions with the problem
3 Identify decision criteria
– these are the things that you will use to help analyse the possible alternatives. For
example: meeting a limited budget is a criterion.
4 Alternatives
– what are the possible solutions to the problem? – try and have more than one – “do
nothing” is always an option, although not usually the right one otherwise the case would
not have been written…
5 Analyse the Alternatives
– evaluate them against the check list of decision criteria
6 Pick a solution
– explain why you are recommending this particular solution
1. What could John have done that might have helped to lessen the problem he now faces with
respect to succession? Explain why your suggestions are valid.
2. What did Marty do right, and what more could he have done to better facilitate his succession
in his father’s business?
3. Assuming Marty would stay if the right arrangement could be worked out, what might that
arrangement look like? Remember, the concerns of all family members will likely need to be
considered, but especially John and Marty’s.

BUS 1177 Case #

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