Research the impact of social media on a specific group and compose an inquiry-based argumentative essay concluding that social media is bringing people in that group closer

Research the impact of social media on a specific group and compose an inquiry-based argumentative essay concluding that social media is bringing people in that group closer.


Using HCC Library online resources, research the impact of social media on a specific group and compose an inquiry-based argumentative essay concluding that social media is bringing people in that group closer together in building a sense of connectedness and community or driving people in that group farther apart and fostering a sense of disconnection and isolation.

Before writing, locate, select, review appropriate and current sources, and narrow your topic to focus on specific communities and aspects of social media interaction in consultation with HCC librarians. In your essay, present your claim in the form of an argument by supporting your claim with evidence, anticipating alternative views, and defending your conclusions in light of those alternative views. Social media is not the topic in and of itself. The impact of social media on a specific group based on researched conclusions needs to be the focus of the argument being advanced.

There is significant latitude in how a group is defined for purposes of this assignment. Examples of a “group” for purposes of this assignment would include families, college students, professions (e.g. medical professionals), veterans, voters, athletes, video gamers, parents, members of a religious community, etc.)

An inquiry-based argumentative essay bases its thesis and conclusions on the most compelling arguments and findings based on the research encountered. This differs from what is referred to as “thesis-driven” writing and research where the writer starts off with a conclusion in mind and seeks out sources only to support that conclusion.

An argumentative essay presents a claim based on the results of the research and supports that claim by pointing to the main ideas and examples from the research using summary, paraphrase and quotation as appropriate. All of the material covered in our textbook Writing for College: From Competence to Excellence is applicable for this assignment–identifying quality sources through research, joining academic conversations, crafting and supporting three story thesis statements to articulate claims and implications, effectively incorporating source material, composing insightful topic/key sentences that coherently and cohesively integrate into the development of ideas, etc.

A meaningful starting point for research would be the Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints available through the HCC Library through the following


Critically engage sources through interpretation, analysis, and/or critique in service of developing and supporting logical, well-defined claims.

Construct texts by working through varying stages of the writing process.

Locate, evaluate, and integrate appropriate sources accurately and fairly through paraphrase and direct quotation.

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Research the impact of social media on a specific group and compose an inquiry-based argumentative essay concluding that social media is bringing people in that group closer

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