Fabrication: Original costume design, makeup, cosplay, metalwork, jewelry making, other crafting

Fabrication: Original costume design, makeup, cosplay, metalwork, jewelry making, other crafting.

Date: Sunday, July 22nd, 2018 by 11:59 p.m.
Having studied human creations from many different cultures, time periods, and genres, the time has come to try
your hand at the creative process yourself. And if you’ve ever thought “I’m not a creative person,” one purpose of
this assignment is to broaden your view of creativity. Whether it’s through visual, written, verbal, or physical
expression, or simply making interesting connections between ideas – creativity is something we all have.
Your assignment is to do ALL of the following:
1) Create an original work in one of the categories below,
2) Write a short explanation of your process, and
3) Share it with your classmates in a way that allows them to appreciate your intentions and your efforts.
1) Your work must be original, created by you alone, and/or performed by you alone (the only exceptions being
a musical or dramatic performance, which may be someone else’s composition, with credit given).
2) If you want to create something that requires someone besides you to be involved, or if you plan to perform
with another person, etc., you need to get written permission from me first.
3) You must create your project this semester. Do not submit something you created in the past.
4) Your creative work should reflect something about yourself. It will represent an idea that is important to you,
reveal an aspect of yourself you want others to see, or exhibit a concept you find meaningful.
5) Keep in mind the aesthetics (literally, the beauty or pleasing qualities) of your creation. This includes format
of presentation: for slide shows, please include a title page/title slide with your name, class information, and
project title on it. The written portion can be included at the end of your presentation, or in a separate file.
Please make sure all fonts/sizes/colors are readable and gentle on my old, weak eyes.
6) Do your best work, take the project seriously, and don’t let fear or anxiety hold you back! (Easier said than
done, perhaps, but this project is about making a sincere effort to create something. It is not about competition
or producing a masterpiece.)
7) The subject matter (topic) of your project can be almost anything you want, as long as it doesn’t violate the
Collin College Student Code of Conduct. (PDF here; start at page 75 for detailed code of conduct.)
Restrictions: nothing illegal; no content that harasses, exploits, or threatens any person or group of people; and
no content that harms, endangers, or appears to endanger any person or animal.
Step 1: Creation and/or Performance
Start by choosing one of the following mediums you’d like to work in.
• Literature: Original works of poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction (can include graphic novels or comics –
Can be submitted entirely in written form; no performance necessary)
• Musical or dramatic performance: Original or borrowed work (must credit original composer/playwright),
or your own composition, traditional or digital
• Visual arts: Original drawing, painting, collage, screen print, lithography
• 3D arts: sculpture, carving, metalwork, tile or mosaic, clay, fired pottery, stained or blown glass, mixed
media, Lego, 3D printing
• Digital arts: Original graphic design, machinima, videography, original graphics or rendered objects, digital
comics, original programming, Arduino, Raspberry Pi
• Fabrication: Original costume design, makeup, cosplay, metalwork, jewelry making, other crafting
• Game design: Original card game, board game, computer game, interactive/role play, etc.
• Photography: Original photo essay or narrative, film or digital photographs, photo journalism
• Fiber arts: Original works of knitting, crochet, spinning, weaving, quilting, other textiles
• Cosmetics, Hair, and Fashion: Makeup, hair, clothing, accessories, that have an original component (your
own design, your own crafting or sewing, significant modifications, etc.)
• Other: Please contact me if you want to propose an idea for this project that is not listed here!
• Please: no food projects. I recognize the many artistic elements inherent in cooking and baking, but
practical issues involving presentation and sharing have been logistically problematic.
• *Not allowed: anything illegal or in violation of the Collin Student Code of Conduct.
Sample Ideas to help spark your imagination:
Sample 1: Knitting
Sample 2: Painted clay figurine
Sample 3: Garden mosaic stepping stone
Sample 4: Web Comic
Sample 5: Lego bird feeder
Sample 6: Wood carving
Sample 7: Cosplay armor
Sample 8: Mixed media collage
Sample 9: Photo Essay (series of 10 photos)
Sample 10: Ink drawing
Step 2: Written Portion (this part is submitted to me under “Assignments”; classmates will not see it)
In a 300-500 word written response, you must do ALL of the following:
1. Describe in detail your process of making your project
2. Discuss the challenges or most difficult aspects of creating your work
3. Explain what the project means to you; why is it important?
4. Identify what tips you would recommend to others who would like to work in the same medium
Step 3: Share It with the Class (this part is submitted to the Creative Project Showcase on the Discussion Board.
Everyone in the class will be able to view it)
There are several formats to choose from in order to share your creative project with the class. I will post a link to
the Discussion Board called “Creative Project Showcase” where you will upload your work. Keep in mind that your
project should be easily accessible for all viewers. You may choose from the following formats, or another format if
you have one in mind – just let me know!
• Presentation software, such as PowerPoint or Google Slides, to share photos or images of your project.
They should be numerous, high quality, high resolution images that allow the viewer to see the various
aspects, angles, colors, textures, etc. and truly appreciate the effort that went into your project. This method
can work for written works as well as for photography or other kinds of images. There is no minimum or
maximum number of slides or images.
• Video or audio of your performance: for musical or dramatic performances, or if you choose to read your
own poetry or other creative writing out loud, make a short video (no more than 5 minutes) of you
performing. (Keep in mind the importance of audio quality, as well, in order to be understandable to
listeners.) Post the media file to YouTube or Vimeo, accessible to the public, and provide the class with the
• Since the written portion (see above) is only submitted to me, it’s up to you to decide what, if any, written
description you might share with the class in the Creative Project Showcase. Some people prefer to post a
video or short story they wrote without any explanation. Others include a version of the written portion that
is cut down or edited specifically for other students. And some just copy and paste their written portion into
the same project that they share. It’s completely up to you – just consider what would make sense and give
the best impression to your audience (the rest of the class).
• Note: Please make sure your project is open to view and not blocked or restricted, such as with Google
drive or private YouTube accounts!
• Please do not give a bunch of different links or a long list of separate files. Keep your audience in mind.
You need to do the work in advance to properly size the photos and present them in a manner that people
can view without having to do all the work of opening each individual file. Check all links and any tech
that could possibly go awry before publishing your work online.
*Be sure to submit your written portion to Assignments on Canvas by the due date. This is necessary in order for me
to give you a grade.
**To share your project with others, you will need to upload it separately to the discussion board on Canvas. Look
for the discussion forum titled “Creative Project Showcase.”
The project itself 50% (originality, quality and effort, follows guidelines)
The written portion 25%
Sharing it successfully with the class 25%

Fabrication: Original costume design, makeup, cosplay, metalwork, jewelry making, other crafting

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