What are your recommendations concerning multilateralism?

What are your recommendations concerning multilateralism?.

Base your response to this topic in part on this week’s reading in your textbook about the United Nations. The authors assert that multilateralism, such as the United Nations, is the most promising route to solving global issues. For purposes of this discussion, let’s make an assumption that the primary goal of the international system is to preserve peace and security. This does not eliminate other goals, but without peace and security, we have trouble moving on to those goals.

Play the role of a foreign policy advisor to the President. Respond to the following:

· What are your recommendations concerning multilateralism?

· Specifically, how do you view the United Nations in this mix of international politics?

Refer in your response to perspectives about multilateralism from the Heritage Foundation found at: http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2010/09/smart-multilateralism-when-and-when-not-to-rely-on-the-united-nations, as well as the articles Re-Balancing the G-20 From Efficiency To Legitimacy: The 3G Coalition and the Practice Of Global Governance, by Cooper and Momani (2014), and From National Interest To Global Reform: Patterns Of Reasoning in British Foreign Policy Discourse by Humphreys (2015), which are required reading for this week.

What are your recommendations concerning multilateralism?

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