Described key findings and identified four issues related to the chosenpopulation.

Described key findings and identified four issues related to the chosenpopulation..

Analyzed and provided relevant
information pertaining to all parts of the project. Failed to analyze and
provide relevant information pertaining to all parts of the project, giving a clear understanding. Analyzed and provided
Some relevant information pertaining to parts of the project but information was incomplete.

Accurately analyzed
and provided relevant information pertaining to most parts of the
project but needs more detail. Thoroughly analyzed and
provided relevant information pertaining to all parts of the project in detail. __x 10= 40
Described key findings and identified four issues related to the chosen
population. Vaguely described 1 key finding and lack cohesion of relating issue for chosen
population. Described 2 key findings and identified 2 issues
related to the chosen population but information
was vague. Described key findings and identified 3
issues related to the chosen population but
needs more detail. Thoroughly described key findings and accurately
identified four issues related to the chosen
population. __x 5= 20
Analyzed and suggested implications
(4 risk factors) for community health nursing related to local, national, and global settings. Vaguely discussed implications for community health nursing related to

local, national, and global settings. Discussed
implications for
community health nursing related to local, national,
and global settings but information was
vague. Analyzed and
suggested implications for community health nursing related to
local, national, and global settings but needs more detail. Analyzed and suggested
Implications (4 risk factors) for community health nursing related to local, national, and global settings throughly. __x 5= 20
Analyzed and suggested two areas of research based on weekly readings
and lectures. Provided a vague suggestion about areas
of research not based on weekly readings and
lectures. Provided a suggestion about one area of
research based on weekly readings and lectures; however lacked
detailed information. Examined and suggested two areas
of research based on weekly readings and
lectures but needs
more detail. Thoroughly analyzed and suggested two areas of
research based on weekly readings and lectures in
detail. __ x 5= 20

Described key findings and identified four issues related to the chosenpopulation.

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