Decrease infections by implementing a hand hygiene team

Decrease infections by implementing a hand hygiene team.



This assessment will address the following course outcomes:  NUR-400-01: Evaluate tracer methodology as an effective and sustainable means of measuring quality delivery of care  NUR-400-02: Assess theories of change for their applicability and use in promoting performance improvement initiatives in healthcare organizations  NUR-400-03: Analyze organizational processes that impact communication and flow of survey-required quality data throughout the healthcare institution  NUR-400-04: Recommend interprofessional strategies that improve nursing-sensitive quality indicators  NUR-400-05: Articulate the role of leadership in the planning, analysis, and implementation of performance improvement initiatives within the organization

 NUR-400-06: Analyze the relationship between quality outcomes and value-based reimbursement in healthcare for improvement opportunities Prompt Your executive summary should answer the following prompt: Present a proposal for addressing or improving a quality patient indicator within a healthcare organization, including evidence-based, peer-reviewed support, an implementation plan, and considerations of organizational and leadership roles Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: I. Introduction a) Organization: Analyze the organization to determine the key characteristics (including organizational values if applicable) that are important to consider when developing plans for change and implementation of quality indicator proposals. b) Improvement Opportunity:

What is the issue(s) involving patient safety and financial considerations within the organization that needs to be addressed? Explain the connection between patient safety and financial state of the organization in terms of opportunity presented. c) Purpose: Articulate the overall purpose of your proposal/proposed initiative for improving quality of care within your organization. In other words, what is your intended initiative for addressing the issue(s)/improvement opportunity identified? d) Proposal Initiative: Detail the initiative you are proposing in terms of its application to your organization. In other words, what is it that you are proposing, and why is it relevant for your organization? e) Leadership: Articulate the role leadership plays in the current situation/environment that needs to be addressed.

In other words, in presenting your proposal to leadership, you will need to articulate the overall role they play in the current environment, such as whether leadership is attempting to address the issue, is unintentionally furthering the issue, or has not yet identified your concerns as an organizational issue. II. Research and Support: a) Proposal Care Support: Summarize the research from evidence-based studies and peer-reviewed sources that led you to believe that your proposal would improve quality delivery of care within your organization. b) Value-Based Support: Summarize the research from evidence-based studies and peer-reviewed sources that led you to believe that your proposal would improve value-based reimbursement for your organization. c) Data Evidence: Detail the data from the organization or that you collected yourself that indicated the need for improvement, and explain how you drew your conclusions. Note: This data should consist of tracer data, performance improvement data, benchmarks, and so on. d) Strategies: Detail existing interprofessional strategies that could be applied to your initiative and organization. e) Strategy Defense: Defend your recommended strategies in terms of their ability to improve nursing-sensitive quality indicators based on relevant, reliable research. f) Change Theory: Analyze relevant theories of change that informed your proposed initiative and could help with implementation. g) Change Assessment: How applicable are change theories to promoting your intended initiative and to the type and structure of your healthcare organization? III. Implementation a) Quality Outcomes: What are the desired quality outcomes you hope to achieve through implementation of your initiative?

Your outcomes should be reasonable, measurable, and time-considerate to help monitor progress. b) Communication: Analyze the organizational processes for communicating change initiatives to determine the most effective paths/methods for promoting the proposed initiative. c) Flow of Data: Discuss how the existing organizational processes will allow for improved or maintained flow of survey-required quality data that may be valuable for tracking your initiative. d) Needed Leadership: Describe the behaviors of leadership and the role of leadership in implementing these strategies for change within the organization. In other words, what responsibilities do leaders within your organization hold to ensure the implementation of the initiative? IV Evaluation a) Plan: What is your plan for evaluation of the strategies using performance improvement data and tracers? What tracers will you use? Include necessary detail to deliver key points and requirements, such as specific data collection methods, timeframes for evaluation, and intended reevaluation. b) Plan Evaluation: How effective and sustainable is your plan? In other words, evaluate the effectiveness and the ease of use, timeliness, and efficiency of your plan for the progress and success of your initiative. c) Role of Leadership: Given your discussions about the roles and responsibilities of leadership within the organization, discuss the importance of leadership for successful improvement initiatives. In other words, articulate the role and importance of leadership in the successful review, implementation, and continuous improvement of performance initiatives.

Decrease infections by implementing a hand hygiene team

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