Demonstrate increasing autonomy and independence in generic and field specific nursing care leading to achievement of the identified knowledge, skills and professional behaviours required at the second progression point

Demonstrate increasing autonomy and independence in generic and field specific nursing care leading to achievement of the identified knowledge, skills and professional behaviours required at the second progression point.

identified reflective framework

Reflective assignment utilising an identified reflective framework, which analyses a critical incident relating to professional values and/or contemporary health policy which the student has encountered in practice.

Relating to patient care with an underlying physical condition discussing the inter-professional team work and various health policies. Patient safety is key. Areas of interest are COPD, pressure sores or aeration problems resulting in oedemas legs (Weeping and odorous)

This assignment is linked specifically to the following module learning outcomes:
• Interpret and apply the principles that underpin adult nursing within an Inter-professional team with reference to professional values and contemporary health policy
• Employ systematic nursing assessment skills to deduce the impact on adult service users of specific pathophysiological and psychological processes and ascertain the required care needs
• Demonstrate increasing autonomy and independence in generic and field specific nursing care leading to achievement of the identified knowledge, skills and professional behaviours required at the second progression point

When planning and writing your assignment please consider the following:
• Choose a reflective framework and identify why you have decided to utilise the particular one you have chosen
• Remember that all reflective frameworks generally contain the same basic sections, they may just use different terminology
• As this is a reflective assignment, you can use 1st person but you are advised to revert to 3rd person for the analysis section of your framework
• You must clearly identify the critical incident you have chosen to reflect upon and state why it is critical
• The incident might have had a positive or negative impact but it must have been critical to your learning
• The incident must relate to patient care that you have experienced as a student nurse
• The pathophysiological and psychological effects on the patient concerned must be discussed
• You are strongly advised to seek tutorial advice regarding your choice of critical incident
• The work must refer to inter-professional teams, professional values and contemporary health policy
• Policies referred to can be local, national, international or a combination
Your assignment will need to include the following:

Tell the reader what the assignment will discuss along with the reflective framework you have chosen to use. Outline why you have chosen the specific reflective framework and why it is important to use reflection in nursing. Identify what a critical incident is and why it is useful for nurses to use critical incident analysis and reflection together. Make a point of saying why you have chosen the incident for discussion and what your learning and focus for analysis will be.

Keep this factual and keep it simple. Just outline what happened and try not to ‘tell a story’. Don’t set up any arguments in this section. If you are using a model that has a separate section for your thoughts and feelings e.g. Gibbs, Johns, do not discuss your feelings in this section. If you are using a model that requires you to discuss your thoughts and feelings in this section e.g Borton, Driscoll, do this following the description along with what you thought went well and what didn’t go well.

Analysis section:
In this section you will present a reflective discussion based on your identified focus and learning. It will contain most of your evidence and you may wish to explore the nature of critical incident analysis a bit more and look at how this is different to patient safety incidents, also referred to as ‘Critical Incidents’.

Critical incidents are often complex and you are advised to focus on two themes to reflect on and analyse in order to achieve the level of breadth and depth required at level 5, for example, was communication a major theme throughout the incident?

You must give some detail about the pathophysiology related to your incident and ensure you reference it but this does not need to be in great detail. Where you put this section depends on your chosen incident and can be put into the description section. You also need to include some acknowledgement of any relevant psychological aspects of care.
You will also need to examine any policies that were relevant, national or local or international. You could look at the effect health care changes have had on the care given, if any, or what policies were or were not followed in the incident perhaps.

You should mention any care tools or frameworks (e.g. nursing process, EWS, MUST etc.) that were part of the incident and whether they had a positive or negative impact on the care given. What is the importance of using tools in a situation like this? Does using frameworks help us to be more professional? Remember to reference tools that you cite in your work.
Are there any other professional aspects of the incident that were relevant? The Nursing and Midwifery Council Code is an essential source to cite here. Legal and ethical aspects may also be relevant, depending on your incident. It is important to mention the part that the multidisciplinary team plays, although this could be placed in your description if relevant to the reflection you have chosen.
Remember to consistently link the theory to the practice and ensure that your discussion gives examples related to your chosen scenario.

Conclusion and Action Plan:
This section needs to pull together what you have discussed and emphasise what you have learned. You can also discuss how you will use this reflection on an incident which was ‘critical’ to your learning, to enhance your future practice (your action plan).
Do not introduce new information or new themes in a conclusion.

Keep your references current (previous 5 years where possible) unless you are referring to an original piece of work in which case older references are appropriate for example, Gibbs’ cycle of reflection (1988). Remember to list everything you have cited in the text, students often miss out references they have talked about in their work. Remember to make sure that you reference in the text and on the reference list.

Demonstrate increasing autonomy and independence in generic and field specific nursing care leading to achievement of the identified knowledge, skills and professional behaviours required at the second progression point

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