Describe a recent health care policy and discuss its implication to your personal clinical practice or health care as a whole

Describe a recent health care policy and discuss its implication to your personal clinical practice or health care as a whole.

Select an American Nurses Association (ANA) publication on workplace safety from the ANA. Search the American Nurses Association (ANA) website for workplace safety

( and select a publication on workplace safety. Review the document (publication), include the URL, and discuss implications for you and your work setting.

2. Describe a recent health care policy and discuss it’s implication to your personal clinical practice or health care as a whole. Why is it important for nurses to be aware of health care policy?

3. Health care costs are on the rise. What is an example of wasted health care dollars in your clinical practice and how do you propose improving the utilization of these dollars?

4. How has this educational program prepared you for the future of nursing as a BSN graduate?

Select an American Nurses Association (ANA) publication on workplace safety from the ANA. Search the American Nurses Association (ANA) website for workplace safety

( and select a publication on workplace safety. Review the document (publication), include the URL, and discuss implications for you and your work setting.

2. Describe a recent health care policy and discuss it’s implication to your personal clinical practice or health care as a whole. Why is it important for nurses to be aware of health care policy?

3. Health care costs are on the rise. What is an example of wasted health care dollars in your clinical practice and how do you propose improving the utilization of these dollars?

4. How has this educational program prepared you for the future of nursing as a BSN graduate?

Describe a recent health care policy and discuss its implication to your personal clinical practice or health care as a whole

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