What progress has been made or is being made toward the organizations goal In your response address testing, screening, disease control and containment.

What progress has been made or is being made toward the organizations goal In your response address testing, screening, disease control and containment..

What progress has been made or is being made toward the organization’s goal In your response address testing, screening, disease control and containment.

Journal #3- APA format and Citation
Every person must have a different organization and or a different virus
Identify an organization, WHO, CDC, or any other organization that is seeking to control, eliminate or eradicate one virus mentioned in the chart in Journal #1week
1. What progress has been made or is being made toward the organization’s goal In your response address testing, screening, disease control and containment.
What form of communication was utilized by the organization to disseminate information to the public
How did the organization use ethical principles and values to promote client advocacy and collaborative activities
In your answer address no less than two terms from below
Please support journal #3 with peer reviewed scholarly articles less than 5 years old and the course text (s).Supplemental references can be added as additional resources from .gov. edu or .org websites.
The written paper rubric will be used to grade this journal

I know you probably have the chart from journal two to use on this journal. if you don’t let me know, please.

What progress has been made or is being made toward the organizations goal In your response address testing, screening, disease control and containment.

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