Describe how you envision the nurse in terms of her medication administration role

Describe how you envision the nurse in terms of her medication administration role.


Think big and unconventional and think of the medication administration process one or two decades from now. Considering the rapid developments in technology and healthcare, describe how you envision the nurse in terms of her medication administration role. Argue your point and support them with relevant literature.

Pls think big how medication administration will be in the future maybe 20 years from now in the hospital.
Watch : (2018).Making ideas into reality at MITs Future Factory.Retrieved from: [Accessed 29 Apr. 2018].

Presently understanding the importance of medication administration:

The trends to consider in medication administration in the future:
GLAUSER, W. (2017). Artificial Intelligence, Automation and the Future of Nursing: Technological change is already shaking up the profession. What is your relationship with technology going to be? Canadian Nurse, 113(3), 24-26.

Bolden, S. (Interviewer) & Richardson, S. (Interviewee). (2016). New look MedMobile app speeds up medication rounds for San Carlo. [Interview transcript]. Retrieved from iCareHealth site: (2018). The Future of Medicine is on your Smartphone. Retrieved from:

Describe how you envision the nurse in terms of her medication administration role

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