Describe policies or influential agendas that address this issue. Consider using WHO, ICN, Ministries of Health to find policy from influential stakeholders

Describe policies or influential agendas that address this issue. Consider using WHO, ICN, Ministries of Health to find policy from influential stakeholders.

Population health

Deep Dive Project

Purpose: This individual project is designed to give you the opportunity to do a “deep dive” into a country, disease, and workforce issue or other topic of interest.

Part I: 30%

Have a clear topical focus, such as a population, a community, a specific cause of morbidity or mortality.
Describe why this issue matters, that is, what is it significance (i.e. why should we care?) Use of key data sources and indicators to do this.
Connect your issue to an SDG, target, and indicator.
Describe policies or influential agendas that address this issue. Consider using WHO, ICN, Ministries of Health to find policy from influential stakeholders.
Describe any cultural, political, historical or other considerations that continue to impact the issue and how it is or is not addressed.

Part 2: 40%

Describe past and/or present efforts (programs, research, policies, advocacy, etc) aimed at addressing this issue. Is progress being made? You may find information in Millennium Development Goals progress reports by country. Agencies that do related work may be good sources of information. For example, PEPFAR-funded groups, ICAP, Marie Stopes International, Pathfinder International, SAVE the Children, Engender Health, CARE, Population Council, etc.
You have one million dollars to spend. Make a proposal to address the problem you have identified. You should have a clear rationale for your choice that reflects the elements described above.
Include a model for your proposed approach.
Include a table that addresses budgetary items that may be needed.
Whatever your topic of interest, articulate at least one relevant implication for nursing (education, practice, or policy).

The paper should incorporate and appropriately cite resources. The paper should be in APA format and no more than 6 double spaced pages (not including references and title page; no abstract is necessary). Models and budget tables can be included as appendices. For all pages: 12 font, 1 inch margins as per APA 6th edition 10%.

Describe policies or influential agendas that address this issue. Consider using WHO, ICN, Ministries of Health to find policy from influential stakeholders

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