A stakeholder interview is an informal or formal interview with anyone who has an interest in your community partner and/or your project’s success.

A stakeholder interview is an informal or formal interview with anyone who has an interest in your community partner and/or your project’s success..

A stakeholder interview is an informal or formal interview with anyone who has an interest in your community partner and/or your project’s success. Stakeholders can be extremely valuable in determining the needs of the community and innovative ways to address those needs. You can use the attached interview questions to help guide your interview with a local stakeholder. You will turn in the questions as well as an essay on how your stakeholder and their views can/will impact your CE project.  Students that are completing Option A are required to complete 1 stakeholder interview. Those students completing Option B are required to complete 5 stakeholder interviews. 

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A stakeholder interview is an informal or formal interview with anyone who has an interest in your community partner and/or your project’s success.

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