Air Resistance and the Magnus Effect Video 1 httpss// Video 2 httpss// Prompt #1 Currently it is against the rules for a baseball player to modify the ball in any way. How do you feel about the use of the Magnus effect in baseball or other sports? Should it be allowed in all sports? Is it unsportsmanlike? Prompt #2 What are some experiences you have had with the Magnus effect? Have you ever done any experiments with it? If you learned to use it in a sport, did you know what physical science principle you were using? Do you have any ideas on how you might use it in the future?.
1.2 Discussion
assignment has two parts. The first part (A) requires that you have reviewed the course notes for this week. The second part (B) requires you to watch some videos and respond to prompts about them.
Part A
You will first need to review the course notes for this week, and optionally attend or watch recordings of the lecture GoTo sessions.
For part A, please post at least 2 well thought out questions (more are encouraged) that you have over this week’s material. Questions should be based on the course notes or lectures and be related to Physics. These questions can include things you are not sure you understand, concepts you find confusing, or questions that go beyond the scope of this course. Questions that make it apparent you have not reviewed the material, have not been through through, or so no effort, may receive partial or no credit at your instructors discretion. Take advantage of your chance to learn. You do not need to answer them, but
these questions are mandatory and part of the grade for this activity.
these questions are mandatory and part of the grade for this activity.
Your instructor will be answering a selection of these questions in a live GoTo session and saving a recoding that will be posted in the Discussion question answers assignment.
Part B
Below you will find links to online videos for you to watch followed by a few questions/prompts. Each prompt might include several questions, but you do not need to answer each one. However, you need to answer each prompt. Use these questions inside each prompt to guide and inspire your response. Each response should be thorough and be at least 2-3 sentences in length.
Air Resistance and the Magnus Effect:
Prompt #1: Currently it is against the rules for a baseball player to modify the ball in any way. How do you feel about the use of the Magnus effect in baseball or other sports? Should it be allowed in all sports? Is it unsportsmanlike?
Prompt #2: What are some experiences you have had with the Magnus effect? Have you ever done any experiments with it? If you learned to use it in a sport, did you know what physical science principle you were using? Do you have any ideas on how you might use it in the future?
Conservation of Momentum
Prompt #3: If you could, what would you like to leave on the Moon? Is there an experiment or random object you would like to leave to see how they react? What do you think would happen to your experiment/object over time?
Prompt #4: Is there any change to the spacecraft and cargo during a space mission, or are there any outside factors, that could affect the orbit or the flight of the craft? There is at least one that is mentioned in the video and is based on what you have learned so far about science. What other changes or factors might affect the trip in some way? Make your best guess on how the mission would be impacted by this change. Explain your reasoning.