Analyse the impact of pandemic on pricing & product

Analyse the impact of pandemic on pricing & product.

Choose one of the following Australian industries: tourism, automobile, restaurant, airline, banking,
transport, tertiary education, pharmaceutical, supermarket, horticulture, mining,
telecommunications and information technology.
Complete following tasks:
(a) Analyse and evaluate the market structure of the selected industry and identify any two
Australian companies that belong to that industry. Justify why you have categorised the
companies in a particular market structure referring to its main characteristics.
(b) Based on the current events, analyse how the COVID-19 virus pandemic has affected the
behaviour of consumers in the industry.
(c) Analyse the impact of the pandemic on pricing and product decisions of the
sellers/producers within the industry. Whenever possible support your analysis with real
(d) Evaluate the market power exercised by the producers/sellers in this industry and discuss
how you think the Australian Government is likely to react in the future in order to
encourage healthy competition within this market.
Consider the following as you work on this assessment:
• Search for information on economic impacts of the COVID 19 virus on your chosen
industry and relate it to the economic theory of market structures.
• Prepare a minimum of 10- 15 slides to be presented in 15 minutes.
• Record the 15 mins video in which the presenter’s face is seen. You are recommended
to use Zoom and if not available, you can use any other recording platform.
• The slides and the video are to be submitted via Blackboard.
• You will be assessed on how well you address the key questions, showing knowledge of
market structures and relevant application to the chosen Australian industry. The quality
of your presentation will be assessed as well.

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Analyse the impact of pandemic on pricing & product

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