Analyze the major consumer protection laws that influence business practices.

Analyze the major consumer protection laws that influence business practices..

Program for a company of your choosing. Use a minimum of 5 references (business references, scholarly journals, and books). The final paper should include original written content. Use quotes sparingly.
Each component listed must be included in the program:
Company Ethical Philosophy and Justification for such a policy
Ethical Policies and Procedures
Measures of Ethical Effectiveness
Rewards for Ethical Behavior
Guidelines for Ethical Decision Making
Assessment of the Ethical Climate
Cultivation of Ethical Practices
Focus on Ethical Leadership
Ethics Education and Training
Company Philosophy on Litigation
Project Outcomes
This assignment supports the following outcomes:
Conduct legal research and locate case law.
Analyze business ethics through an inquiry into the foundations of moral reasoning and the ethical issues that arise in a wide range of contemporary business practices, both domestically and globally.
Analyze the major consumer protection laws that influence business practices.
Evaluate elements of business contracts.

Analyze the major consumer protection laws that influence business practices.

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