Analyze the twelve (12) pillars of a selected country and its scale, according to the Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017.

Analyze the twelve (12) pillars of a selected country and its scale, according to the Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017..

Summarize the twelve economic pillars of (the selected country) CHILE.
First pillar: The institutional environment
Second pillar:  Broad and efficient infrastructure
Third pillar:  Macroeconomic stability
Fourth pillar:  Health and primary education
Fifth pillar: Higher education and quality training in higher education.
Sixth pillar:  The efficiency of the merchandise market in efficient countries.
Seventh pillar:  The efficiency of the labor market
Eighth pillar: The sophistication of the financial market
Ninth pillar:  technological provision
Tenth pillar: The size of the market
Eleventh pillar: Sophistication of business
Twelfth pillar: Innovation
Use two additional sources of references and at least five (5) of the concepts to expand the information. Example: Microeconomic, Macroeconomic, Foreign Investment, Tariffs, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, among others.
Analyze the twelve (12) pillars of a selected country and its scale, according to the Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017.
This will be in a PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker notes. There needs to be a slide for each of the twelve economic pillars.
Support points that are needed within the presentation are:
What is the country’s GDP? Per Capita GDP?
Labor market – Is the labor force efficiently producing products or services that consumers want or need? what laws helped in implementing?
Inversion (internal / external)
What type of structural organization is there?
First pillar: The institutional environment
Second pillar:  Broad and efficient infrastructure
Third pillar:  Macroeconomic stability
Fourth pillar:  Health and primary education
Fifth pillar: Higher education and quality training in higher education.
Sixth pillar:  The efficiency of the merchandise market in efficient countries.
Seventh pillar:  The efficiency of the labor market
Eighth pillar: The sophistication of the financial market
Ninth pillar:  technological provision
Tenth pillar: The size of the market
Eleventh pillar: Sophistication of business
Twelfth pillar: Innovation
Use two additional sources of references and at least five (5) of the concepts to expand the information. Example: Microeconomic, Macroeconomic, Foreign Investment, Tariffs, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, among others.
Analyze the twelve (12) pillars of a selected country and its scale, according to the Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017.
This will be in a PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker notes. There needs to be a slide for each of the twelve economic pillars.
Support points that are needed within the presentation are:
What is the country’s GDP? Per Capita GDP?
Labor market – Is the labor force efficiently producing products or services that consumers want or need? what laws helped in implementing?
Inversion (internal / external)
What type of structural organization is there?

Analyze the twelve (12) pillars of a selected country and its scale, according to the Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017.

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