Animal Rights and Environmental Ethics

Animal Rights and Environmental Ethics.




Analyze your chosen issue using 6 theories. Choose 2 from each of the 3 categories listed below.
Choose 2 from the primary list:
Utilitarian ethics
Kantian ethics
Virtue ethics
Choose another 2 from the traditional theories list:
Ethical Egoism
Ethical Relativism
Divine Command Theory
Natural Law Theory
Social Contract Theory
Choose an additional 2 theories from the contemporary or non-Western list:
African ethics
Eastern ethics
Feminist ethics or Care-based ethics
Postmodernism ethics
Environmental Theories (Ecofeminist, Deep Ecology…)
Formatted according to APA standards, using Times New Roman, 12-point font, double spacing, and one inch
Writing and Content Requirements:
The introduction should explain the chosen issue in detail.
The thesis, argument, or focus of the essay should be evident in the introduction.
The body of the essay should:
explain the approaches by various philosophers and/or ethical theories.
analyze which approach(es) you find most compelling and explain why.
incorporate high quality ideas and key concepts from the ethical theories.
include some suggestions for the most practical solutions to your topic.
assess the future of your chosen topic in terms of solutions.
The entire essay should contain correct grammar, spelling, and syntax.
Please use transitions between paragraphs.
The essay should be documented by properly citing at least four or more credible sources




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Animal Rights and Environmental Ethics

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