Are there flaws or gaps in the previous research that your study will seek to remedy?.
Title page
• Ensure that title page is structured in APA format
• Should be a brief summary that states the problem addressed by the author, identifies the solution, and specifies the objectives and methods of the study.
• See APA Manual for guidelines on writing an abstract
• Begin with a captivating statement of what is being proposed and then should proceed to introduce the issue to the reader.
• Provide the context and set the stage for your research by providing a rationale for why this research is worth doing.
o In other words, why is this topic worth studying?
• Specify exactly what you intend to study.
• Define/describe major problem/issue and sub-problems to be addressed by your research.
• Discuss in detail those impacted by the problem/issue.
• Provide historical overview of problem/issue.
• Discuss current state of problem/issue.
• Introduction should thoroughly describe the significance of the problem(s) and refer to statistics or any other supporting data.
• Conclude this section with the purpose of study and clearly described goals of proposed research.
Literature Review
• Present a discussion of the most important research and theory related to problem/issue.
• Show what previous research has been conducted on the topic, what research is missing, and what
still needs to be done.
• Addresses the following kinds of questions:
o What have others said about this area(s)?
o What theories address it and what do these say?
o Are there consistent findings from existing studies or do past studies disagree with findings?
o Are there flaws or gaps in the previous research that your study will seek to remedy?
• Make sure your literature review section is….
o Organized in a sense that responds to the purpose of your study
o Has information presented in a way that is focused and not repetitive
o Properly cited (credit given where credit is due)
Research Question
• Identify research question(s).
o ONLY ONE research question
• State hypothesis
o ONLY ONE hypothesis, which should address the one research question above
o Variables stated in your hypothesis should also be noted in your research question.
• A methodology section describes how you will conduct your study and should include a description of the sample, measurements, data-collection methods, and analysis/analyses.
• Part I of the methodology section should only include the sample.
o Describe the subjects for your study.
o African American adolescents
o Identify unit of analysis.
o Explain your sampling plan (method of selecting participants in your study).
o Section should answer the following question: Who will you study?
Are there flaws or gaps in the previous research that your study will seek to remedy?