Attitudes Type, Forming factors, Balance, Commitment, Consistency, Harmony

Attitudes Type, Forming factors, Balance, Commitment, Consistency, Harmony.

Target Market Analysis Size, demographics, education, income, gender, etc.
Personality Lifestyles, traits, psychographics
Perception Sensory, Thresholds, Semiotics, Changes, Learning
Motivation Needs, Wants, Conflicts (Maslow)
Involvement Level, Types Appeals, Risk
Values Types/Importance, Hierarchical Value map
Self Concepts Self: Actual/Ideal, Product Congruence, Image, Roles
Extended: Group/Community

Attitudes Type, Forming factors, Balance, Commitment, Consistency, Harmony (dissonance) etc., Changing
Decision making process Process used, Situational factors/Affects
Post-purchase consumption/disposal

Group Influences Reference, Family, Social, Culture
Marketing Strategy How the product offering meets the needs of the Target Market by analyzing the elements of the Marketing Mix (4 Ps).

Attitudes Type, Forming factors, Balance, Commitment, Consistency, Harmony

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