Choose another country and research information on its healthcare system.

Choose another country and research information on its healthcare system..

Choose another country and research information on its healthcare system.

rder Description

This coursework requires you to write a 1,000 word essay. The title is as follows:

Compare and contrast the UK healthcare system with that of USA


1. Access the collection of sources related to the theme of ‘UK Healthcare System’ placed on the Blackboard system, and read these in detail.
2. Choose another country and research information on its healthcare system.
3. Write a 1,000 word essay comparing the healthcare systems in the two countries.


The coursework should follow the structural requirements of a compare and contrast essay. This means you have to include the following:

Introduction (including a thesis statement)
Introduce the topic and explain what you are going to do in the essay, identifying the main points of comparison between the healthcare systems in the UK and the country you have chosen.

Body paragraphs (3 – 4 paragraphs)
Discuss their similarities and differences following a compare/contrast essay structure. Analyse the organisation, funding and quality of each system, providing evidence and examples, and comment on the implications for each country.

Summarise your essay in one concluding paragraph. Give your own opinion as to which system is more effective.
List your references at the end in the appropriate format.
Do not include graphics or subheadings in your essay.

Choose another country and research information on its healthcare system.

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