Critical Appraisal of Evidenced-based Guidlines

Critical Appraisal of Evidenced-based Guidlines.

Treating Depression in Older Adults: Challenges to Implementing the Recommendations of an Expert Panel
Strictly APA by the publication manual of the American psychological association 6th edition second practice. Write in Third person only. Special attention to the reference page, title page Verb/noun agreement. Grammar is big. Masters level/DNP [doctor of nursing practice. Introduction and conclusions required. Use headings when needed. Thesis statement pivotal, conclusion critical
Articles and AGREE tool will be loaded after the bid. Please do not take this assignment if u dont know how to critically appraise evidenced-based studies.
Critical Appraisal of Evidence-based Guidelines Select a guideline based on the IOM area of interest that you identified in the introduction thread. You will choose a critical appraisal tool (such as the AGREE tool, CASP, the CONSORT tool, the TREND statement, McMaster Critical review form, …) to critique the guideline. The tool must match the type of guideline chosen (TREND for non-randomized controlled trials, for example).
This assignment will provide you the opportunity to critically appraise evidence-based guidelines. You are continuing to advance your search and critically appraising selected evidence. Select an evidence based guideline from your initial and ongoing search. Use the various EBP Resources and Tools provided in the lesson to locate evidence based guidelines.
/3 selection of an appropriate appraisal tool, with justification
/2: Selection of an evidence-based guideline.
/10: Using criteria (AGREE tool, other resources), critically appraises each item (domain, category) of the evidence-based guideline, paying attention to levels of evidence used in developing guideline (consider grey literature as well).
/5: Categorize process and outcome measures using outcome evaluation methods.
/5: Conclusion: summary of the critique of the guidelines not more than a page
Additional points will be deducted:
A pdf copy of the assignment should also be uploaded in the assignment section of the course. approved title page should be used for the pdf copy of the assignment. 10% deduction for no, or late, pdf submission.
Please note: Up to 20% of points will be deducted from grade for lack of scholarship.
Scholarship Expectations
You are clinical nurse scholars in the making. You are the advanced practice nurses and members of the highly literate profession of advanced practice nursing who will chart the future of health care. Good writing ability is as much a required skill for nurses in advanced practice as performing clinical functions. Therefore, precision and scholarship is expected in all assignments.
Organized and logical progression of ideas; effort and attention to detail is evident; communicates effectively all aspect
I want to remind you to make sure that you reference where you learned what something is…Variables are XXX according to Polit and Beck (2011). The varibles identified in this study were..

Critical Appraisal of Evidenced-based Guidlines

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