Demonstrate understanding of the ethics of nursing research

Demonstrate understanding of the ethics of nursing research.

Competencies: 724.8.5: Foundations of Inquiry – The graduate differentiates between quality improvement processes, evidence based practice and research. 724.8.6 Literature Review and Analysis – The graduate demonstrates knowledge of the process and outcomes of conducting a literature review. 724.8.7: Ethics and Research – The graduate demonstrates understanding of the ethics of nursing research particularly human subjects’ protections, informed consent and alignment with patient and family values and preferences. 724.8.8: Patient Outcomes – The graduate discriminates between identified standards and practices that do not provide improvements in patient outcomes utilizing relevant sources of evidence and the application of nursing theory. 724.8.9: Data Collection, Analysis, and Dissemination – The graduate describes the process of data collection, analysis and implementation of evidence that can improve clinical practice from an inter-professional perspective.

Demonstrate understanding of the ethics of nursing research

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