Describe a business that you can see yourself owning and discuss the most efficient way to raise capital to either start or expand the business.

Describe a business that you can see yourself owning and discuss the most efficient way to raise capital to either start or expand the business..


FIN 100 WK 6 DQs

DQ 1 œFinance and Valuation:

Describe a business that you can see yourself owning and discuss the most efficient way to raise capital to either start or expand the business. Explain your rationale.

Discuss the advantages for firms to raise capital in markets other than their domestic or home market. Provide examples to support your answer.

DQ 2 œRating Agencies:

Analyze bond ratings in recent years and then determine reasons why a firm might want to maintain a high bond rating. Explain with examples.

Suggest a key advantage of equity financing and compare to debt financing options. Provide your rationale.

Describe a business that you can see yourself owning and discuss the most efficient way to raise capital to either start or expand the business.

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