Describe the duties of each major head within the organization.

Describe the duties of each major head within the organization..

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
1.Provide a detailed summary of your hospital’s organizational structure. Include a tabulated description of the levels of professionals within the organization. Describe the duties of each major head within the organization. 2.Provide a detailed hypothetical mission and value statement for the hospital. Provide a rationale for the development of your particular mission and value statement. 3.Outline a detailed feasibility plan for the hiring of nurses, physicians, and allied professionals. Provide a rationale for the chosen plan, and explain the main reasons why the plan in question would be suitable for use with different health care professionals. 4.Justify the use of information technology to increase patient services. Provide a summative table of some pros and cons of using information technology in an era of networking and security breaches. 5.Use at least five (5) quality academic resources

Describe the duties of each major head within the organization.

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