Describe the structure and size of a healthcare organization that has a board of directors and a formal committee structure

Describe the structure and size of a healthcare organization that has a board of directors and a formal committee structure.

Describe the structure and size of a healthcare organization that has a board of directors and a formal committee structure

In no more than 100 words, describe the structure and size of a healthcare organization that has a board of directors and a formal committee structure. This description would most appropriately be of a hospital or nursing home, preferably one with which you are familiar, but it can be imaginary if you have no direct familiarity.

For your chosen organization, you are to design a complete two-part committee structure. This will consist of naming (1) the committees you would expect to exist under the auspices of the board of directors, and (2) the administrative committees you would expect to exist. For each committee you name, provide a one- or two-sentence description of the committee’s mission, and indicate the approximate number of committee members and any primary expertise that might be required on the committee. (To accomplish this, it may be necessary to perform some research into healthcare organization committee practices.)

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Considerations for Possible Response

This exercise is best approached through the examination of the actual board and committee structure of one or more real-life healthcare organizations. Lacking ready information about, for example, a hospital or nursing home, one might utilize instead the board and committee structure of a not-for-profit human service organization.

Select an organization that has a board of directors (it might be called board of governors instead), at least three standing committees, and at least two administrative committees. At board level you will usually encounter an executive committee and a finance committee as two principal standing committees. The purposes of these and other standing committees are ordinarily delineated in the bylaws of the organization.

Describe the structure and size of a healthcare organization that has a board of directors and a formal committee structure

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