Determine architectural scenarios that demonstrate database design life cycle.

Determine architectural scenarios that demonstrate database design life cycle..

You will have access to four stakeholders: an avid online gamer, the Vice President of Operations, the Lead Software Developer, and the Lead Software Architect for Fantasy Games. You will be able to ask these stakeholders questions, so that you can gather facts about the needs of the business and user requirements. This communication with these stakeholders will occur in public forums referred to as the Ask the Stakeholder discussions. It will be up to you to develop all of the Fantasy Games user requirements, business needs, facts, and assumptions that will drive your architecture design. You are allowed to use any information that appears in the Ask the Stakeholder discussions.
Individual Project Option – Your Company
For this project, you can also choose your own scenario. You must provide enough detail to make your software architecture comparable in complexity to the Fantasy Games case. You will need to turn in a detailed description of your scenario to your instructor and obtain prior approval to use your own custom scenarios.
Project Resources
• IEEE-Std-1471-2000 Recommended Practice for Architectural Description of Software-Intensive Systems.
• IEEE 1471.
• Software Engineering Institute – Software Architecture. This section of the site has a list of topics on Software Architecture.
• Online Writing Center.
To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:
5. Analyze an organizations software and database needs.
6. Create a software and data architectural description that meets the business needs and user requirements.
7. Use relational database model principles.
8. Determine various software architecture organizational viewpoints that address stakeholder concerns.
9. Determine architectural scenarios that demonstrate database design life cycle.
10. Apply tools in creating a software and data architecture.
Toggle Drawer
Project Requirements
To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.
• Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
• Length of paper: No page length requirements. The architecture will dictate the number of pages required to convey your design.
• List of references: A list of references, including books, Web sites, articles, and other resources.
• Diagrams: All diagrams must be done in a drawing application such as Visio.
• APA formatting: Resources and citations should be formatted according to APA style and formatting guidelines.
• Font and font size: Arial, 10 point.
Project Vision – Unit 1
For this component, you will describe the main business problem or problems and the motivations for the project. If you select the individual project option, you will provide a detailed description of your organization comparable to the details for Fantasy Games.
Unit 1
The purpose of this assignment is to explain your vision or main goal for the project. Complete the following before beginning the assignment:
Review the Software Architecture course project description to familiarize yourself with the project.
Review the Project Vision Scoring Guide to understand how your work will be evaluated.
Complete the following to learn about Fantasy Game and the project.
Review the presentation about Robert Walling, CEO of Fantasy Games using the link in the Resources.
Review the Fantasy Games About Us Web page using the link in the Resources.
Review the presentation about Jack Burns, CIO of Fantasy Games using the link in the Resources.
In your document, explain your vision for the project. Answer these questions:
What does the marketplace look like in this area?
What are the possibilities for Fantasy Games with this new system? For example, what is the business problem this system is trying to solve? What are the motivations to create this system?
What are consequences of not acting now? Consider the impact on the business organization, individuals, and society given both global and local markets.
What should this new system be minimally able to do?
What would the software architect have to take into consideration when building the new system? For example, what different views and quality perspectives of software architecture are needed?
Unit 2
In this assignment, you will create a requirements and scope document for your project.
Complete the following:
1. Determine the business goals for the project.
2. Determine the architectural scope of the project.
3. Create a context diagram of the project that presents a high-level picture of the systems boundaries and adjacent external entities.
4. Determine the architectural principles for the project.
5. Determine constraints on the project.
6. Determine the team necessary to work on this project, and the roles of the team member

Determine architectural scenarios that demonstrate database design life cycle.

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