Determine five (5) of the controllers monitored and controlled variables.

Determine five (5) of the controllers monitored and controlled variables..

Consider a simple patient monitoring system in which the software controller generates alarm signals when the patient’s temperature or blood pressure falls outside safe ranges. The alarm signals and safe ranges are different for temperature and blood pressure.
You may use the following Website as a resource for short Z-specification examples:

Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:

1. Determine five (5) of the controller’s monitored and controlled variables. Describe each variable and explain how it is used in the system.
2. Propose five (5) mode classes and five (5) terms that may be helpful in monitoring this system.
3. Propose three (3) Software Cost Reduction (SRC) tables for this system. There must be one (1) mode transition table, one (1) event table, and one (1) condition table.
4. Create one (1) short Z-specification for this system using Visio or an equivalent such as Dia. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.

Determine five (5) of the controllers monitored and controlled variables.

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