Did it accomplish the goals it laid out in the beginning?

Did it accomplish the goals it laid out in the beginning?.

Article Summary: Start by summarizing the article. What problem(s) are the researchers trying to solve or learn about? If it is a research report, what methods did they use to gather and analyze information? Were the methods qualitative or quantitative? At this point, describe the article in neutral terms that do not betray your opinion. 2. Thesis Statement: After you’ve written your neutral summary, state your thesis statement that addresses your take on the effectiveness of the author’s research method. A thesis statement must include your angle or take on the topic, so this is where you identify if you think the article is convincing or not. 3. Strengths and Limitations: Next, identify the strengths and limitations of the authors’ research methods. Are their terms defined? Are they making assumptions about the sample? Does the sample size allow them to generalize? What interesting results do they find? Are there any holes in the research? Is the research design flawed? Does the author admit to limitations or weaknesses? Are there any limitations they don’t mention? Are the conclusions and reasoning logical? Was it ethical? Were human subjects used? What kind of IRB (internal review board) process was followed (if applicable)? 4. Overall Impression: Finally, conclude by giving your overall impression of the article. Was the study successful or useful despite its limitations? Did it accomplish the goals it laid out in the beginning?

Did it accomplish the goals it laid out in the beginning?

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