Discuss a problem faced by nursing leaders

Discuss a problem faced by nursing leaders.

Discuss a problem faced by nursing leaders

In this assignment, you will discuss a problem faced by nursing leadersthe value of specific services that nursing offers. Nursing leaders are being asked to quantify nursing care and services. This has been a barrier for nursing because the cost of nursing has always been a part of the per diem rate. As a nursing leader, you have been asked to break down the following services and to quantify a cost. 1. Patient or family nurse communication 2. Nursing role in patient outcomes 3. Nursing role in patient safety 4. The cost cannot be based on the twenty-four-hour nature of nursing. 5. How would you approach the assignment of placing a dollar value on the above-mentioned services? 6. APA 6th edition 7. no sources older than five years 8. US research based papers only


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Discuss a problem faced by nursing leaders

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