Discuss if the chosen intervention would be appropriate for your family of origin

Discuss if the chosen intervention would be appropriate for your family of origin.

Instructions for paper:

Section 1: (3 pages)

Include formal definitions of the concepts and citations (need 3 scholarly citations/references).

Answer all bullets

Systematic Analysis of Family of origin

• Discussion and analysis of structural issues (can choose more than one):

o Hierarchies, subsystems, alliances

o Rules (spoken and unspoken)

o Cohesion

o Power

o Attachment styles

o Family myths

o Communication style and pattern

• Discussion and analysis of systems issues

o Within family boundaries

o System boundaries

o Adaptability

o Resources

o Social networks

o Environmental factors

• Specific examples of structural and system qualities in the your family

Section 2: Thematic (3 pages)

Need 3 scholarly citations/references

Answer all bullets

• Identification and summarization of familial theme from above section 1

• Presentation of research of familial theme

• Description of impact of familial theme on families in general

• Description of impact of familial theme on your family of origin in particular

• Specific examples of how theme impacted your family

Section 3: Evidence Based Search & Intervention (2 pages)

Need 3 scholarly citations/references

Find a evidence based practice to identify a family intervention that would be appropriate for addressing the theme or challenge that you researched in above sections.

Answer all bullets

• Document EBP search for interventions for presenting issue from Section 1 & 2

• Describe the chosen intervention including specific intervention techniques

• Discuss if the chosen intervention would be appropriate for your family of origin

Discuss if the chosen intervention would be appropriate for your family of origin

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