Discuss the nature of the trend populations at risk in welfare of children

Discuss the nature of the trend populations at risk in welfare of children.

This is a paper that is focusing on the student to discuss the nature of the trend populations at risk in welfare of children. The paper also provides additional guidelines to use in the writing of the assignment paper well.

Discuss the nature of the trend populations at risk in welfare of children

Solution-Focused Analysis Paper: Select a trend or issue in Child Welfare that most interests you and discuss the nature of the trend, population(s) at risk, community and state legal and supportive responses, and any policy initiatives that aim to address the trend.  What do you envision as the ideal response?  How would you begin to implement your proposed solution or build upon one that is currently in place?

Selecting a topic:

Select a trend in Child Welfare covered in this course that most interests you.   You may use the topic covered in your child welfare image project as the issue considered in this paper or you may choose another topic.  If you want to select a topic that we have not yet covered, please discuss that with me first.

Research the topic:

Research the nature of the trend, population(s) at risk, community and state legal and supportive responses and also any policy initiatives that aim to address the trend.  Include in that research and in the paper at least two peer-reviewed references to analyze and propose a solution to the trend you selected.  If you use the topic you covered in your child welfare image project. You should include at least two additional peer-reviewed references in that analysis and solution development.  In addition to peer-reviewed references, you should also use your textbook and one additional source of your choosing (i.e. newspaper article, blog entry, interview, etc).

Writing the paper

Based on your research, write 4 – 6 pages in APA format (ie., style and headings) which covers the following:

.  The results of your research, including an introduction of the trend including a brief background and present state of the trend, which includes the following:

.  The nature of the trend

.  The population(s) at risk

.  Community and state legal and supportive responses, and also

.  Any policy initiatives that aim to address the trend.

.  Propose a solution

.  State what you envision as the ideal response?

.  How would you begin to implement this solution?

.  Who would you involve in this implementation?

.  Be sure to justify your solution or build upon one that is currently in place

Discuss the nature of the trend populations at risk in welfare of children

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