Discuss the role of diversity in your own discipline in relation to sex gender class age race etc.

Discuss the role of diversity in your own discipline in relation to sex gender class age race etc..

A293DEL Advanced English: Academic Essay Writing
Coursework 2 assesses module learning outcomes 1 and 2. It is worth 60% of the total module mark. It is comprised of two parts:
Week 9: present/submit an essay plan in class (25%)
Week 11: submit final draft (75%)
Choose ONE of the following questions and write an essay of 1000 words (+/-10%):
1. Discuss the role of diversity in your own discipline in relation to sex gender class age race etc.
2. Discuss the role of imagination in your own discipline (Psychology English Art Business Geography etc.).
Essay plan (12.5%): week 9 in class
Present a poster of/ submit your essay plan in 5 min
This must include: the topic/question chosen;a possible title; the essay structure chosen; using bullet point the elements of each paragraph including 4 references; and the list of references.
Essay submission: week 11 (23.55 on Friday 11thDec 2015).
Format of coursework
Your coursework must be word-processed using WORD.
Please use a clear size 12typefont and 1.5-space your writing
Include a list of references at the end of your essay
Write your student ID number on the first page of your essay (or as a running head)
Please include a word count at the end of the essay. The word count does not include the title of the essay or the list of references.
Sources and referencing
You must refer to at least 4appropriatesources in your essay which must be fully referenced in the list of references using the CU Harvard style(the CU Harvard style handbook can be downloaded from the Library webpage).
Where to find sources for your essay:
You must search for trustworthy sources using the Library Catalogue for books and academic journals. You can also read serious newspapers such as The New York Times and The Guardian; serious specialist magazines such as The Economist The New Yorker or Engineering & Technology; and websites such as academia.edu or theconversation.com.
You should consult the University website for a full definition of plagiarism and what the penalties are. Remember you must not insert material into your essay from another source WITHOUT referencing that source and indicating directly quoted material in the appropriate way.
Coursework submission
You must submitanelectronic versionof your essay (written in WORD) uploaded via the TURNITINCW2 FINAL SUBMISSIONicon which you will find on the Moodle page for this module. You may only submit your essay ONCE.
You will be able to submit in addition ONE draftversion of your essay to Turnitin via the DRAFT icon in order to view the plagiarism report if you wish. The draft will not be marked. Make sure that you submit your FINAL draft to the FINAL SUBMISSION icon. Note that you will not be able to view the Turnitin report for your final draft.
You are advised to retain a secure copy of your coursework essay for yourself.
Late work
You must completesubmission ON or BEFORE the deadline of 17April 2015(23.55). If you fail to do this your work will be given a mark of ZERO. (This is not the same as a non-submission. A late submission counts as an attempt and should allow you the right to a resit.) If you make no submission at all at any point youwill be recorded as ABSENT and NOT be allowed a resit: this is only possible if you have made an attempt. You are therefore advised to make a submission even if it is late.
Short deferrals (extensions) of up to 3 calendar weeks can be given for genuine e.g. medical reasons (other demands on your time theft loss or computer malfunctions are not valid reasons). If you feel you have grounds to apply for a deferral you must do so ON or BEFORE the submission date by submitting a Coursework Deferral Form via Student Reception.
Please note that your tutor CANNOT award you a deferral himself. You must apply for one in the manner described above.
Marks and feedback
You will be assessed on five criteria (task response; coherence and cohesion; lexical resource; grammatical range and accuracy; sources and referencing). Exact marking criteria for this task will be available on Moodle.
Marks will be posted on Moodle but cannot be confirmed as definitive results until they have been passed by the Subject Assessment Board.

Discuss the role of diversity in your own discipline in relation to sex gender class age race etc.

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