Discuss the types of real estate holdings your selected company (selected company is Coca Cola) has listed on its balance sheet. Explain how your selected company manages its portfolio of real estate holdings. Is there a separate division/department? Discuss whether or not the portfolio includes operating or financial leases and how long does the company lease?

Discuss the types of real estate holdings your selected company (selected company is Coca Cola) has listed on its balance sheet. Explain how your selected company manages its portfolio of real estate holdings. Is there a separate division/department? Discuss whether or not the portfolio includes operating or financial leases and how long does the company lease?.

Prepare a two-page paper in which you:


    1. Discuss the types of real estate holdings your selected company (selected company is Coca Cola) has listed on its balance sheet.


    1. Explain how your selected company manages its portfolio of real estate holdings. Is there a separate division/department? Discuss whether or not the portfolio includes operating or financial leases and how long does the company lease?


  1. Discuss the financial impact the real estate lease costs have on the net income of the company. For tax planning purposes, should the company also lease capital equipment? State whether this is part of the financial structure of the company assets.


Your paper must be in Microsoft Word, double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12 pt. font. Cite all sources and be sure to use the current APA standards when formatting your paper. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Discuss the types of real estate holdings your selected company (selected company is Coca Cola) has listed on its balance sheet. Explain how your selected company manages its portfolio of real estate holdings. Is there a separate division/department? Discuss whether or not the portfolio includes operating or financial leases and how long does the company lease?

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