Discussion board | 1301 philosophy intro | Richland College

Discussion board | 1301 philosophy intro | Richland College.


Moral Responsibility and Determinism

Moral Responsibility and Determinism

As you know from your reading in Chapter 7, particularly Section C, a good deal of evidence suggests we do not have free will, that determinism is true (make sure to distinguish between fate, which involves supernatural forces, and determinism, which does not; for this discussion, we are NOT referring to fate, the idea that supernatural forces control our lives). If determinism is true, then questions regarding moral responsibility take on new significance: how can we be morally responsible for our actions if we do not have free will? how might our evaluation of our own actions and the actions of others be affected? If people cannot do other than what they do, should they be praised and blamed for their actions? Watch the video below on moral luck, another complication related to questions of praise and blame, and then give your response to the 3 questions above. Your response should include specific references to the video as well as Section C of Chapter 7.

Works Linked/Cited:

“Moral Luck: Crash Course Philosophy #39.” YouTube, uploaded by Crash Course, 12 Dec. 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpDSPVv8lUE&t=333s Accessed 4 May 2020.

Discussion board | 1301 philosophy intro | Richland College

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