Discussion question(ag) | Accounting homework help

Discussion question(ag) | Accounting homework help.

 Howard University!!!!!!!!!

Obtain the most recent annual financial report for a private not-for-profit college/university. Select a school that has not already been used by a classmate.  Do not select USC as we are using that report for our homework assignment.  A variety, but not complete list, of private not-for-profit college/universities can be found at this link-


 The audited financial reports can be found by “googling” the name of the school and searching their website.

Please do not respond in a separate Word document.  Post directly into the message box.  

This week it is not necessary to post a question to a fellow classmate.

(1) Please clearly name the school and provide a link to the source document (website or link to a PDF).

(2) What public accounting firm performed the audit of the entity’s financial statements?

(3) Does the entity have “donor restricted” net assets?  What amount?

(4) Does the entity have  “without donor restricted” net assets?  What amount?

  • Note – before ASU 2016-14 these were entitled temporarily and permanently restricted net assets.

(5) What is the largest asset on the balance sheet?

(6) What is the entity’s largest source of revenue?

(7) Tell us something you found interesting in the report.

Discussion question(ag) | Accounting homework help

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