Essay on Kafka on The Shore and Oedipus The King

Essay on Kafka on The Shore and Oedipus The King.


There are a number of important references to the story of Oedipus in the novel. In Chapter 21,
Kafka tells Oshima, “it feels like everything’s been decided in advance—that I’m following a
path somebody else has already mapped out for me” (Murakami 199). Later in the same
chapter, Kafka also tells Oshima of his father’s prophecy: that he will murder his father and be
with his mother”(202). Focusing on this chapter, and related information we have about a
murder, compare what seems to be happening to Kafka to the story of Oedipus. How are they
similar; how are they different?




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Essay on Kafka on The Shore and Oedipus The King

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