Evideced-based Project Poster

Evideced-based Project Poster.


Create a professional poster summarizing your planned evidencebased
practice project. The poster should include the problem, the research evidence used to validate the project’s need, the project’s planned intervention, planned evaluation criteria (project outcomes assessment), and the project’s anticipated outcomes. Consider next steps to continue forward progress of your work in nursing practice. Include summary information from all elements of your proposed project. Create your poster using MS PowerPoint poster template. The poster should be informative, colorful and eye-catching including the title and your name and current credentials.
the rubric below to help you complete this assignment1.
Summarizes your planned evidencebased
practice project
•the research evidence used to validate the project’s need
•the project’s planned intervention
Thoroughly summarizes your planned evidencebased
practice project
2. Described each section of the capstone project as discussed in the executive summary.
•Proposed implementation
3.Describes systematically how the quality improvement project can be implemented in practice.
4. Poster Criteria
•Flows well
•Logical organization
•Included visuals/graphics with citations.

Evideced-based Project Poster

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