Find out how many times a customer generated an invoice.

Find out how many times a customer generated an invoice..



This assignment requires you to use SQLite to complete the tasks listed below.Student can also use SQL Workbench or another software (if they are familiar) to complete the tasks.
For guidance on how to install SQLite, watch this short YouTube video:
For guidance on how to create tables using SQLite, watch this short YouTube video:
Typing the SQL statements or the results is NOT acceptable.
Instructions for using SQLite:

From Resources under Main Menu in Interact 2 go to Assignment 5 Folder
Copy sqlite3.exe and cmd.exe files from the Assignment 5 Folder into a folder in your machine
Copy a5.txt from the Assignment 5 Folder into the folder in your machine where your SQLite file is located
From the SQLite Command Prompt execute the a5.txt script. To do this, at the SQLite Command Line type .read a5.txt [to create the tables you will use to answer this assignment’s questions]
At the SQLite Command Line type .headers on
At the SQLite Command Line type .mode column
Assignment 5 tasks: each query is worth 5 marks
Write and run SQL statements to complete the following tasks
Part A – DML

1. Show the details of the products where the product code starts with ’22’.
2. Display the vendor details from areacode 615.
3. Find the balance for customer ‘George Williams’.
4. Show the number of products from each vendor and display the vendor code if there are more than 2 products from the same vendor.
5. Display the vendor code, name, phone number and the number of products from each vendor.
6. Find the customers whose balance is zero.
7. List the name of the customers for whom we have invoices.
8. Show the name and cus_code of the customers for whom we DO NOT have invoices.
9. Find out how many times a customer generated an invoice.

Part B – DDL

1. Add a new attribute email_address varchar(30) to the customer table.
2. Add email_address = ‘’ for customer ‘10016’.
3. Delete the record for employee Edward Johnson from EMP table.

You are required to submit:

The SQL statements for each query, which should be copied from your SQLite3 Command Line and pasted into your submission file. If you type .echo on at the SQLite3 Command Line, SQLite will output your SQL statement with the results of the query making it easy to copy and paste both.
The screenshots of the results of the SQL statements which are to be copied from your SQLite3 Command Line and pasted into your submission file immediately after you execute the SQL query. If you used an output file please submit only the output file.

This assessment aligns with the following subject outcomes:

be able to critically analyse and modify an existing database design to meet new business requirements;

Find out how many times a customer generated an invoice.

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