Food Safety infographic story related to population.
This is a paper focusing on the Food Safety infographic story. Also, the paper is emphasizing on the priority population in regards to the Health People objective.
Food Safety infographic story related to population
Firstly, create an original infographic it should be in one poster, that tells the story of the priority population related to the Healthy People objective you selected “ Food Safety” It’s important to describe the issue in a way your audience can easily grasp the nature and severity of the problem and recognize the need for developing an intervention:
- Describe the priority population – include demographic characteristics
- Identify the locale/ setting – include social and/or environmental factors
- Describe the priority population’s experience(s) with the burden of the health outcome – include social determinants
- Describe any other factors or conditions that contribute to severty of the impact
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If you confused what priority population identified for infographic this might help you
The female makes up half of society, yet they especially suffer a lot. With many health issues, such as depression, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s. So with that, we need to focus more and promote them in different programs. There are some factors that might affect women’s health like age, education, geographic location, race, and income.
I agree that the health promotion program for food safety must understand and serve the female cultural, environmental, social and personal needs. “Culture can be thought of as a shared worldview.” (ALLENSWORTH, 2010). In addition, there are some differences in one culture, there are differences in age, sexual orientation, race, and education. Also, food safety programs need to focus on how to protect themselves from the disease. For instance, they could obtain a free check-up and free vaccine such as pap tests and vaccines to protect the female from pop cancer.