Give general information on animal.
While thousands of dogs are rescued every day from abusive or neglectful situations, and while animal abuse is a bad thing. some classify things that are not abusive or harmful but in their opinion it is.
Introductory paragraph
• Capture attention with hook
• Give general information on animal/ dog abuse
• Reasons supporting thesis (While thousands of dogs are rescued every day from abusive or neglectful situations, and while animal abuse is a bad thing. some classify things that are not abusive or harmful but in their opinion it is.)
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Body Paragraph one
• While animal abuse is a bad thing some classify punishments or living situations as abusive or neglectful
• Supporting evidence of this point
• Multiple reasons why the evidence is relevant
Body Paragraph two
• If they were still living as wild animals today such as wolves how would they treat eachother.
• Second point supporting this
• Supporting evidence of this point
• Multiple reasons why the evidence is relevant
Body Paragraph three
• Top reason supporting opinion/ thesis
• The most important reason why animal abuse is over generalized is because some classify things that are not abusive, abusive. When in reality it is not
• Provide evidence of this statement
• Relate to most significant opposing argument
• In conclusion . . . . animals are usually not being abused as much as some may think. . . . . all reasons why they are not
• Summarize thesis/ papers key points
• Conclude with so what ex: so most dogs are not being tortured and tormented as some animal lovers jump to conclusion, they should car if they have animals, convince reader to agree with my position