Health promotion strategies | Applied Sciences homework help

Health promotion strategies | Applied Sciences homework help.

 On the Healthy People 2020 website, the 2020 LHI topic, Social Determinants, explains that a national indicator of health is measured by “Students who graduate with a regular diploma 4 years after starting 9th grade” (para. 11). According to the data, as a nation, are we improving or declining, and why is this important to our health as a country? 

Overview:  This week’s discussion asks you to look at the Healthy People 2020 leading health indicator (LHI) for on time high school graduation rates and compare how the nation is doing moving towards the 2020 goal.  A review of the data on this topic shows that graduation rates have steadily increased each year for all ethnic groups, now exceeding the 2020 target (Healthy People 2020). The results for this leading indicator would make one think that Healthy People 2020 has been successful. 

Health promotion strategies | Applied Sciences homework help

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