How Can Social Media Be Used in the Selling Process?

How Can Social Media Be Used in the Selling Process?.

Suggestions for Social Media in Business Report

Your business report should be about eight to ten pages long. Use Times Roman 12 font, 1.5 spacing, and number the pages of your report – but not the cover page. The below guidelines are only suggestions and should not prevent you from taking a creative approach in your report. However, you should prepare a report that youd be proud to give to a future manager or potential employer.

Topic (Title): Social Media Strategy in Selling (Marketing) to Todays and Tomorrows Customers

Author: Your first and last names

Executive Summary: Abstract (brief summary) of your report in 150 words or less

Approach: What approach are you going to take in discussing your topic? For example, focus on the use of social media strategy for a particular company or industry. Suggestions for Social Media in Business Report

Who is the target market for your social media strategy? (demographics, psychographics) Consider providing a clearly legible Table, Figure, or Graph then briefly discuss it. Give the precise source underneath the Table, Figure, or Graph. Suggestions for Social Media in Business Report

How Can Social Media Be Used in the Selling Process? Explain how the company or industry should use social media in its strategy; include “real world” examples of social media being used effectively or ineffectively by companies.

Advantages and/or Disadvantages in Using Social Media: Table, Figure, or Graph could be used here to summarize this information. Make sure the table, figure, or graph is legible to readers.

What should your company do now to start implementing a social media strategy? Recommend specific steps for the company or industry to take now or in the future to profitably market to its target customers.

Conclusion or summary statement: Summarize your reports major findings to help managerial decision making. Suggestions for Social Media in Business Report

How Can Social Media Be Used in the Selling Process?

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