How does that social problem relate to issues of diversity, social justice, or at-risk populations?

How does that social problem relate to issues of diversity, social justice, or at-risk populations?.

The admissions essay is one of the most important parts of your application. It is your opportunity to share with the Admissions Committee information about yourself that will be used to evaluate your readiness for the program and the profession of social work. Please follow the essay outline addressing each of the questions below. The essay must be typed, doublespaced and at least 5-6 pages in length. Please include a cover page and reference page (these two pages are in addition to the 5-6 essay pages). Your writing should be clear, well organized, show strong evidence of critical thinking, and demonstrate mastery of grammar, spelling, and American Psychological Association (APA) style. (See
Please use the following headings (underlined, below) to guide your essay: (1) Interest and Motivation: Discuss your interest in the social work profession and your motivation to pursue the MSW degree. What attracts you to Union University’s MSW program? (2) Service Experience: What experiences have you had in serving others? (3) Social Problem: Discuss a social problem that concerns you. How does that social problem relate to issues of diversity, social justice, or at-risk populations? Incorporate and cite relevant research. (4) Ethics: (ADVANCED STANDING APPLICANTS ONLY) Based on the NASW Code of Ethics, identify an ethical dilemma related to the social problem you discussed

How does that social problem relate to issues of diversity, social justice, or at-risk populations?

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