How does your own experience as a networked self speak to these issues?

How does your own experience as a networked self speak to these issues?.

Reflection Questions Written Assignment
You are required to answer each question in no more than 500 words which is 2 double-spaced typed pages in which the type font is 12 point and the margins are 2.54
answer following Questions
1) In Always On Turkle argues that
Our networked selves are both always alone and always together but it ways that have changed the meaning of these terms.
She also argues that we are in danger of treating people as objects to be accesses and paused when we want to.
Likewise she argues that we now live a life mix of real life and online life
How does your own experience as a networked self speak to these issues?
Do you agree/disagree with Turkle?
Make sure to address what she says as you talk about your own experience.

How does your own experience as a networked self speak to these issues?

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